Friday, April 17, 2009

I Really Do Love College...

I found a funny parody video for that sweet song about loving college by that cool bro Asher Roth. You can view the video and listen to the song here. I don't really like the song, but it does make me laugh when I listen to it. I think it's the absurdity of it. I'm not saying that somebody couldn't do the things in that are said and go on in the song/video, but I'm going to say that nobody would be able to keep that up for an extended period of time.

Then I came across this sweet parody of that song called 'I Love Knowledge'. I found it on Some guy realized that college rhymed with knowledge and went to school with it, no pun intended but I like it. The knowledge version is just the same song but with sweet G rated lyrics about studying and going to class as opposed to the PG13 lyrics about partying and weed of the college version.

I think if you can find a good mix of the two, you should have a good college experience. If you stick to the college version, you'll probably not be spending too much time in college. But, if you go by the knowledge version, you wont have any fun at all. The trick is to find a good mix of the two. That is, if you want it to last more than, a couple of weeks.


Lukas said...

yeah, i hate that asher roth guy; he's pretty ridiculous. and i, too, really do love college. and knowledge. I don't know if i have the right balance yet, but i'm getting there.

David L said...

This post was me trying to drop some knowledge on some people, a.k.a. me being really corny.