Saturday, March 21, 2009


So, if you have talked to me in the last couple of days, I have probably brought up to you something that I've been thinking about lately that I think is incredibly funny, nay, hilarious. Okay, It's not that funny, but it does give me a giggle. On side note, giggle is a funny word, perhaps I'll write a separate blog post on why that is so hilarious to me. Spoiler alert though, you can probably imagine why it's funny to me. (I mean, look at it. Looking at the word giggle makes me, well... giggle) Wow, I just got sidetracked. Not going to lie though, it was a good sidetracked, not a bad one. Okay, I'm just going to throw this out there, I think the word 'brah' can be used in very funny ways. And I'm not condoning the use of the word 'brah', but in certain situations it can be comic gold-ish, or maybe silver or bronze, but definitely a precious medal. Or a gem or something, comic ruby, maybe it will grow on me. (That joke was comic sapphire, still maybe on that one.) Okay, back to our originally scheduled programming. If used in the right context, it works. There are certain rules to this awesomeness.

1. The word 'Brah' must be placed at either the beginning of the statement, or at the end of the statement. It's an add-on to the sentence. It is used to identify the person who is being talked too.
2. It is specifically used for one liners. If you want to do more that a one liner, it still might be funny, but it might lose some of its hilarity.
3. The line that you use needs to be a catchphrase or a well known saying. It's better if people know what you're talking about. I'm just saying.
4. To top off what is happening, say it in a very douchy condescending tone. Imagine if Keanu Reeves is saying something and he thinks he's better than you. So funny.

A couple of examples of this would be, "Taste the rainbow, brah" or "Confucius says, he who will not economize will have to agonize, brah"

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