Sunday, December 13, 2009
I've learned that it's really easy to not car about school.
I've learned sometimes the consequences of not caring out way how good it can feel to have no worries.
I've learned a good hug always seems too short.
I've learned that I definitely have more good friends in Tallahassee right now than I do in South Florida.
I've learned that I love my parents but they can still drive me crazy after spending 20 minutes with them.
I've learned that I really love surprising people by doing something for them that they never thought I would do.
I've learned that the only thing an exterminator is guaranteed to do is make the bugs come out of the wall.
I've learned that driving six hours is better with company.
I've learned that I truly am blessed with my family and friends.
I've learned it's hard to lose someone for any amount of time.
I've learned it's easy to be happy for someone, but it's hard to not feel sorry for yourself.
I've learned that I'm excited for new adventures in January.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 4, Day 1)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 21
Set 2 : 25
Set 3 : 21
Set 4 : 21
Set 5 : Max (at least 32)
60 seconds between sets today.
I was supposed to close out the out work today with a 32 on the last set, but that didn't happen. I secretly knew it wasn't going to happen by the third set, because I was having a lot of difficulties with it by that time. I guess I did 112 before my arms gave out and I had to take a 5 second rest before finishing. If I have a lot of trouble with the next two days then It's going to be a lot more fun when I have to repeat week 4.
Weight - 184.5
Max at the end - 24
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 20
Friday, November 20, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 3, Day 3)
Set 1 : 22
Set 2 : 30
Set 3 : 20
Set 4 : 20
Set 5 : Max (at least 28)
120 seconds between sets today.
Barely finished. 120 total.
Weight - 183.0
Max at the end - 28
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 14
Not feeling too awesome lately. Good workout though.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I might not be perfect for anyone.
I may have lost my chance.
But, I will always keep on fighting.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Christmas List(Revolutions)
Christmas List
1. Bike
2. Umbrella
3. A Sweet Light Up Eagle (glow-in-the-dark also acceptable)
4. Nice Headphones
5. A Suit
6. Another Suit
7. A Sweet Crown
First off, I would like to be able to "suit up" on a regular basis. This just seems like a really good idea.
I have always wanted a crown. Mostly because they are really cool.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 3, Day 2)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 20
Set 2 : 25
Set 3 : 15
Set 4 : 15
Set 5 : Max (at least 25)
90 seconds between sets today.
Lemme say 'Wow'. 100 total.
Weight - 184.5
Max at the end - 25
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 73
Monday, October 26, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 3, Day 1)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 14
Set 2 : 18
Set 3 : 14
Set 4 : 14
Set 5 : Max (at least 20)
60 seconds between sets today.
The sixty seconds between sets is really the hardest thing to do for me. I was only able to do 12 on the last one. I did finish after though. I know I'll do better next time so I'm not too worried about it. Bummer though. I still am feeling pretty awesome.
Weight - 182.5
Max at the end - 12
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 73
Friday, October 23, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 2, Day 3)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 16
Set 2 : 17
Set 3 : 14
Set 4 : 14
Set 5 : Max (at least 20)
I'm starting to think that the extra rest really does help. I did 25 at the end today and it was tough. There was no way at the beginning of the work out I thought I would be able to do 25 push ups at the end. I think that's the awesome in me though. I rocked it and I 'm ready for the exhaustion exercise tomorrow to gauge progress and put me in the right section from here on out. AoAIA meter is definitely going up today. Wooh.
Weight - 182.5
Max at the end - 25
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 68
I'm going to try and post more non-work out stuff on here.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 2, Day 2)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 14
Set 2 : 16
Set 3 : 12
Set 4 : 12
Set 5 : Max (at least 17)
There is a 90 second rest between sets. We'll see how that affects the workout.
That was sooo hard. I finished everything but on the last on I had to break form and take a small break. I finished the last set but I can not rightfully say I maxed at 17. I have to say 13 because that is when the break came. I had my doubts about how easy this workout was going to be when the first set of 12 was pretty difficult.
My weight went up again but it's still not drastic enough for me to care.
AoAIA meter is going to go up but basically stay the same this week because there weren"t any big changes this week.
Weight - 184.5
Max at the end - 13
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 55
Monday, October 19, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 2, Day 1)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 14
Set 2 : 14
Set 3 : 10
Set 4 : 10
Set 5 : Max (at least 15)
There is a 60 second rest between sets. We'll see how that affects the workout.
It was toughie today. I still feel good about it, despite only being able to do 15 at the end. It was definitely a chore towards the end. I did refine my push up form though and I feel like it was a better workout today and I will improve on it on Wednesday, hopefully. Other than that, weight went up by a pound, no big deal. Max at the end went down, probably because I am doing push ups correctly now. AoAIA meter went up also, because of my fan support.
Weight - 182.5
Max at the end - 15
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 53
Friday, October 16, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 1, Day 3)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 11
Set 2 : 15
Set 3 : 9
Set 4 : 9
Set 5 : Max (at least 13)
There is a 120 second rest between sets. We'll see how that affects the workout.
With the two minutes rest periods there was very little exhaustion that I noticed during the workout. I am a little tired now but that is most likely because of the fifth set max that I did. It automatically takes a lot out of you to push yourself to the edge of what you can do, even at the end of a mediocre workout. Right now, I do feel my arms and shoulders trying to recover from the workout. I think that is a good sign. I did improve my max push ups at the end of the workout from a 16 to an 18, which is good steady improvement and I'm glad to see that happen.
My AoAIA meter is going from a 38 to a 42 today because the workout was pretty good today. Overall though, I'm in a pretty blah mood, so it's not going up too too much. I'm enjoying this right now and I hope the other things even out too.
Now I have two days of rest until my next workout. I'm excited for the beginning of week 2.
Weight - 181.5
Max at the end - 18
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 42
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I popped a ball... (Week 1, Day 2)
The workout for today is:
Set 1 : 10
Set 2 : 12
Set 3 : 8
Set 4 : 8
Set 5 : Max (at least 12)
There is a 90 second rest between sets. We'll see how that affects the workout.
I think the 90 second rest between sets helped a lot because I was definitely better rested for the later sets. I blew by the early sets but by set 4 I noticed I was catching my breathe during the resting period. Overall, I felt good today. I did 4 more than the minimum required push ups for the fifth set. Also, my weight basically stayed the same like it should. I'm only going to worry about consisted weight changes or drastic weight changes. Today was neither.
The AoAIA scale went up slightly today, from a 24 to a 38 because I felt good about my workout. It would have went up more but I hurt myself again scootering. This time it wasn't workout threatening but it still brings my awesomness down slightly. That is the risk/reward I deal with for living the life I do.
Weight - 184.5
Max at the end - 16
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 38
Monday, October 12, 2009
I popped a ball... (week 1, Day 1)
Another thing to note is that I was scooting around the Brad about half an hour ago and I fell and maybe hurt my shoulder. This could be a problem because shoulders are a main part of doing push ups. It's really funny to me because I haven't even started doing anything yet and I am already building up my excuses. Boy am I good at doing that.
I'm going to get down to business now though. Because on Saturday I did 20 push ups I am working on column 3 of the work out. It looks something like this:
Set 1 : 10
Set 2 : 12
Set 3 : 7
Set 4 : 7
Set 5 : Max(at least 9)
Also, on the fist day, you take 60 second rests between sets. I'm going to do the work now and come back and write more about the work in a second.
It was definitely harder to do than I thought it would be. It's hard to stop yourself at 10 on the first try and start doing it again after resting for sixty seconds. Not impossible by any means, but I feel that I am definitely going to have to push myself harder than I thought I might have to to complete this workout plan. My shoulder also tightened up after the first set, which makes sense but I was not counting on. I hope it feels 100% tomorrow. I am intrigued to see what day 2 brings me on Wednesday.
My max on Set 5 was 10. I once again thought I was going to do better, but I do have my built in excuses. At least I beat the 9 that I had to do.
The AoAIA meter did go down from a 53 to a 24 which is not a good thing, but it is likely to go up in the near future. That is a good thing. It went down because I failed to meet personal expectations and I ate it on the scooter very soon before the workout today. It would of went lower, but I decided not to skip my workout today.
An interesting trend to look at is that all three of the statistics I decided to keep went down from Saturday until today. The weight went down from 185.5 to 182.5, the max push ups went from 20 to 10, and the AoAIA meter went from a 53 to a 24. If I had to make predictions for the rest of the workout, I would guess the weight would stay anywhere from 178.5 to 186.0 the entire workout. I would also guess the max push ups will steadily increase, and the AoAIA meter will fluctuate greatly thoughout this process.
Weight - 182.5
Max at the end - 10
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 24
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I popped a ball...
I decided that push ups can be a useful tool for getting in shape because they are free and the can be done almost anywhere. After searching the web for a little while, I came across a workout called the 100 Push Up Challenge. It's a six week program and the goal is to be able to do 100 push ups in a row by the end of the six weeks. I figured that I can do this and keep everyone updated on how I'm doing and get in better shape all at the same time. Go me.
The first thing that has to be done is to evaluate how many push ups you can do in order to see how what track you are supposed to follow in order to get the most out of the program. There is a nifty little graph there that has this graph on it, plus other stuff, but this is the only part that involves me. My prediction is that I will be in Rank 3 but I could surprise myself.
<40 years old
0-5 - Rank 1
6-14 - Rank 2
15-29 - Rank 3
30-49 - Rank 4
50-99 - Rank 5
100-149 - Rank 6
150 & above - Rank 7
Looking at the program a little further and I'm not sure what the above chart has to do with the program because it says that if I can do more than 20 push ups in a row I should move directly to week 3. I'm kind of confused and it's really late so I'm going to wang it. Werd.
Just tested things out and I did 2o push ups in a row and it lowered my 'Amount of Awesome I am' scale from a 72 to 53. I thought I was going to do better than that I think mentally I stopped at 20 so I could start week 1. I was out of breath following my 20 push ups, which confirms the fact that I am terribly out of shape for right now. Six weeks from now I might be man-jacked though. Now I'm tired though, good night. First workout of week 1 is on Monday.
I know this sounds pretty douche-ish, but bear with me. Which reminds me: This is your What-A-Douche Moment and it has been brought to you by What-A-Burger.
Weight - 185.5
Max at the end - 20
Amount of Awesome I am(Scale of 1-100) - 53
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Holiday Hair
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Horatio Crunch
Better known as Cap'n Crunch
Sailed the seas(at least one of the seas were sailed, but he could have sailed any number of the seven)
His nemesis was Jean LaFoote, A.K.A. The Barefoot Pirate
Another enemy were The Crunchium Thieves, who were stealing Crunchium which is the main ingredient for the cereal that was named after the good captain
The mission was a success due to help from creatures from the underworld called 'The Crunchlings'
Thank God for The Crunchlings
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Soooooo good!!!
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me
One, something's got to give
Two, something's got to give
Three, something's got to give now
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More Networking
Poll of the day:
Should I join Twitter?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Good Day
By the way, what is the 4th of July without having some kind of burn on your hand?
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Meet My Brother
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
One A.M.
2. Go to "Random quotations"
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3. Go to flickr and click on "explore the last seven days"
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use photoshop or a similar program to put it all together.
5. Now you have your sweet band and your first album.
I am in this sweet new band called One A.M. It's named after a film in 1972, that was never actually released. All of the band members thought that we related very well to the film, so that became our name. Our debut album is called, form could have invented the Nobel Prize. It's very cool. Check out the album cover:ORATIO CRUNCH
Monday, June 8, 2009
I haven't been outside in a while.
Well, I have but I usually keep my shirt on. This reminded me of something somebody once said about me that is probably my favorite thing anyone has ever said about me.
"David always takes his shirt off and he has no personality."or it was
"David has no personality and he always takes his shirt off."Well, apparently that's not the case anymore.
Because I am pale.
It's cool though.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
It wont drip but it will still probably get all warm and nasty though, right?
When I saw that, it blew my socks off.
Instead of melting, the ice cream turns into pudding. This is a good thing, except for those individuals among us who don't like pudding. So, the ice cream doesn't melt, it just becomes a different form. This seems so strange to me. Why hadn't someone thought of this before.
I wonder what happens when we leave pudding out in the freezer?
Here's a link to the page i saw it on.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Bye, Bye.
It would be crazy if you were driving your Chevy all of the way to the levee, but when you got there you realized that the entire levee was dry, thus, making your entire trip not worth the drive. It's not like you live too close to the levee either.
But then, you happen to come upon approximately three 'good old boys' drinking rye whiskey.
And then you saw Jason Biggs trying to have sex with a pie. Your mind would most likely be blown.
Just sayin'.
Monday, May 25, 2009
And I'm not going to. I was just semi-shocked that I was criticized about this. I mean, they perfectly frame my face. I am nothing without a little hair in front of my ear. Cut those and I am nothing but hair on top of my head and that would be a little unreasonable to ask of somebody, wouldn't it?
I've always been a fan of the thinking that hair grows back. Because most of the time it does. And then, when the hair stops growing back, it's out of your control anyway. For these reasons, hair isn't a big deal for me. Why would it be a big deal for you, Target lady I work with? But, just let me be me, because it doesn't really affect you anyways.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This is one of the things I love about SoFla. You don't really get that anywhere else.
There was no rain and barely any wind. I was engulfed in a different flash of lightening every three seconds.
It has since calmed down, but it was still AMAZING.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Addendum 27.083093 Section 3
"Under no circumstances is anyone to give himself a nickname."Although, it can be kind of funny/hilarious to watch someone try.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
j. B.S.
It's actually nothing bad about JBS or anything. I was just thinking about it because I've noticed some people call Jordan 'JBS' because of her initials and nobody calls Danny 'DPH' because of his initials. I mean, they both have the hyphenated name thing going so why not.
Is it because Danny is spanish, because that's racism(sexism?).
Then I realized that I lied to all of you guys. I know why it's JBS and it's not DPH. It's because people like nicknames. Nicknames are comforting and make people feel apart of the group. Unless they are bad nicknames, then they feel ostracized.
I've done a lot of thinking about nicknames in my day, and I feel nicknames are a very interesting part of society. There are two things that have to happen, and a couple of other things that help, for a nickname to flourish.
One thing that has to happen is that the nickname has to be catchy, to stick. Or sticky, to catch. It has to be something that people will remember to call that chosen person.
It also has to be short. There are only a couple of instances that I can recall where I remember a nickname sticking that was longer than maybe three syllables. The actual name might be longer, but the long name usually gets shortened into a fun short name.
One thing that really helps a nickname stick is to have someone be introduced as the nickname. If the entire time you have known someone, you have been calling them 'pickles', you are more likely to keep calling them 'pickles'.
Another thing that helps with nicknames is repetition. I have never known a good nickname to stick when you only use it once a month, or so. People usually forget. If everyone were to start calling DPH: 'the duck', there is a good chance he will start being known as 'the duck'.
I think these are puddles of buckets of fun.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hat Hair
This has led me to ask myself why this happened to me today when it has never to my current knowledge happened to me before. Everything was about the same today as it was the last time I ran, the temperature may have been a couple of degrees hotter but nothing that would make me feel so much worse. It was also the same time of day.
My first guess as to possibly why this had happened is that, my hair was previously acting as a hat. It could have been keeping the sun out of my face and possibly keeping me just cool enough to function properly. As you can see by the picture, my hair was covering most of my head, as well as my neck and forehead. Maybe.
The other reason I can think of is that maybe my water consumption prior to working out was less than before. This is probably what happened. Duh.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Except it wasn't about the band, it was about what you call animals when they're grouped together.
For instance, a bunch of wolves hanging out = a pack. Or, a group of rhinos = a crash. Also, a group of crows = a murder.
Ok, Now It's Time to jump in the Pool
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Also, I need to cut this hair off of my head. It keeps getting in my eyes and I have to close my eye so the hair doesn't get in it. Then, when my eye is closed, I end up losing my balance and almost tripping. I would expect my hair to be off of my head by Monday. No promises though.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Barry Me
(Underneath the rule I put my own little input.)
1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Cuz it will make ya poop yourself. While you sleep.
2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why thee human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”
Why take so long to think? Just Do It.
3. There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
While I don't disagree here, it might take me another thirty years to figure this one out completely.
4. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
I feel like this is very true. I think there is a different way of going about this.
5. You should not confuse your career with your life.
You will only probably have your career until you're 65 or so, your life lasts until you die.
6. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.
This one I have trouble with. I need to be less self conscious.
7. Never lick a steak knife.
You'll probably cut your tongue or something.
8. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
9. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe Daylight Savings Time.
I couldn't explain it for certain.
10. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
This could end badly.
11. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.
I struggle with this one a bit, but I agree wholeheartedly at the same time. Stop expecting a party or a big deal at eleven, if you get a party after that, consider yourself lucky. Feel free to throw a party for yourself if you want to make a big deal out of your birthday.
12. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.
I'm the best. Not. Actually I'm pretty good.
13. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to a waiter, is not a nice person (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.) ?
Plus, it's not a good idea to tick off the waiter, he/she handles your food.
14. Your friends love you anyway.
And I love them.
15. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.
The Ark saved the animals and the Titanic crashed and people died.
16. Thought for the Day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it’s up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
I bet you thought he was going to say they get better with time or something.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Get it. It's like Count Dracula but at the same time it has racing elements in it at the same time with the whole drafting thing. Well, I though it was kind of funny. Geeze.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Christmas List (Reloaded)
Christmas List
1. Bike
2. Umbrella
3. A Sweet Light Up Eagle (glow-in-the-dark also acceptable)
4. Nice Headphones
First off, I realized that I probably wont be getting a light up hummingbird, so if it's going to be on my Christmas List I might as well go all out and ask for a sweet light up eagle (glow-in-the-dark also acceptable).
And furthermore, I currently don't have a pair of working headphones. Between now and Christmas I will most likely buy myself a pair of headphones, but they will probably be a pair of $7 crap headphone craps that break after a month and a half. I probably want headphones that are more or less just for my room, so I can watch videos on my computer or listen to music. So, I more or less want to stay away from ear bud headphones. That's all.
My parting words are to always remember what Genghis Khan always said, "That's right, that just happened."
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Name Luk-a-thon.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Do the Stanky Legg
Check this video out. It's called 'Stanky Legg' and it's by the G Spot Boys (a.k.a. the GS Boys). It's the hottest new dance move. I was thinking today that I could be someone that could show the world hot new dance moves. Maybe that could be how i make a difference in this world. Actually, I didn't discover it or anything but I figured I had to blog about it. Danny Oats showed it to me and it seemed to be pretty out there. I would even go as far to say that it is almost as cool as the Soulja Boi. My favorite part of the video would have to be at about one minute twenty-five seconds into the video when randomly in the back of the video, instead of having the girls dancing, there are girls sitting on ATVs. So cool.
Also, I couldn't publish this without pointing out how classy their name is. G Spot Boys, you're somebody's hero.
I also like how they spell the word leg with two 'g's much like the disease I had in my hip back in Elementary school.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Classes are Done
Speaking of "shows", Lukas's sweet dance party is tomorrow night and I think it is going to be sweet fun. I just found out my new favorite adjective for this week. It's showy. Just kidding, it's sweet. It will probably stay like this for a week or so and then my favorite adjective will go back to being 'awesome'. Or maybe it will become 'sick nasty'. I think that might be cheating though, because it's two words and therefore twice the power. Uh oh.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Christmas List(Revision)
Christmas List
1. Bike
2. Umbrella
3. A Sweet Light Up Hummingbird Like The One In The Television Commercial
I know it probably doesn't exist but if you could get one for me, that would be swell. K, Thanks. I love you guys.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Special shout out to Zach and Chet for rocking the short shorts.
Friday, April 17, 2009
I Really Do Love College...
Then I came across this sweet parody of that song called 'I Love Knowledge'. I found it on Some guy realized that college rhymed with knowledge and went to school with it, no pun intended but I like it. The knowledge version is just the same song but with sweet G rated lyrics about studying and going to class as opposed to the PG13 lyrics about partying and weed of the college version.
I think if you can find a good mix of the two, you should have a good college experience. If you stick to the college version, you'll probably not be spending too much time in college. But, if you go by the knowledge version, you wont have any fun at all. The trick is to find a good mix of the two. That is, if you want it to last more than, a couple of weeks.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Christmas List
Christmas List
1. Bike
2. Umbrella
That's it for now. Thanks guys.
Also, looks like I'm probably going to be going to Chicago sometime in late July. It's still in the prelim stages but it should be pretty fun. It's like an early Christmas present or something.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Just barely, but still, I've never been able to do this.
Not sure if it's cool or not but this is definitely the longest my hair has ever been. Pretty soon it will me the longest my hair will ever be.
Unless, of course my airplane crashes and I'm stuck on a deserted island for upwards of four years.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Chicago Sports
I know some of ya'll aren't the biggest sports fans, but I consider myself a pretty big sports fan. I am particularly fond of the Chicago and FSU sports teams. Because of this, I was kind of excited when I saw that ESPN was choosing Chicago as the focus of it's first regional website. I thought this was pretty cool.
The setup for the website is basically the same as the normal ESPN website, same basic setup/ same setup for the links, but instead of being about all of the major sports stories it's about all of the Chicago sports stories. Here's a link.
I also have a closing remark from Sir Mix-a-Lot,
"A Booty is a Booty"Thanks, Sir Mix-a-Lot, you always have something classyto say.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter to all!
Hope the Bunny Brings ya'll something pretty sweet. (Not sweaty)
Shout out to Sweaty the Bunny, though.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
1. n -The third day of the week.
"I couldn't go to the party, because I had class on Tuesday."
2. v - To put off until a later date, particularly after large amounts of procrastination.
"My paper was taking too long so i decided to tuesday it."
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."
Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
Tinker and Evers and Chance.
Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
Making a Giant hit into a double--
Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."
-Franklin Pierce Adams
The baseball season has started and I am super exciting. Go Cubs!!!
Today, I tasted the rainbow. By that, I mean a homeless man hit me in the face with a bag of Skittles for not giving him money. FML
I LOLed.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Danny Oats ftw
With that said, I have found another person who meets these standards...
I have known him for a while. (Officially, I've known him for about 3 and a half years, maybe more if I really think about it.)
Many of you know him too. His name is Danny, and many of you know him as Danny Oats. I honestly have not met anybody he has not gotten along with. It's really truly impressive.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bless You...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Danny Oats Makes My Life
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I have that Vampire Weekend song stuck in my head, so I decided to write a little blurb about it. Sweet right.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
1. The word 'Brah' must be placed at either the beginning of the statement, or at the end of the statement. It's an add-on to the sentence. It is used to identify the person who is being talked too.
2. It is specifically used for one liners. If you want to do more that a one liner, it still might be funny, but it might lose some of its hilarity.
3. The line that you use needs to be a catchphrase or a well known saying. It's better if people know what you're talking about. I'm just saying.
4. To top off what is happening, say it in a very douchy condescending tone. Imagine if Keanu Reeves is saying something and he thinks he's better than you. So funny.
A couple of examples of this would be, "Taste the rainbow, brah" or "Confucius says, he who will not economize will have to agonize, brah"
Friday, March 20, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Let Me Tell You A Story...
I would also like to have a separate get together at school since my actual 21st birthday takes place the day before Thanksgiving, and I will be in West Palm.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
SB w/ SB
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Broken(but it's all good)
Also, Steph got her wisdom teeth out today and she took it like a champion. She was kind of freaked going in but she ended up doing great. That's about it for now, hope all is well for all of you.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
this sucks
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thank you
Also, there is a baseball game today that i am excited about. It's against Auburn. Hopefully we kick butt. We should kick butt. We looked good during the opening weekend but it was against Hofstra, so who knows. We'll see. Go Noles!!!