Monday, April 12, 2010

Run Update

Ran a 2.8 mile loop around the stadium and back three times last week. Then I took two days off. That puts me at 8.4 total miles completed. That puts me at 91.6 away from 100 and 66.6 away from my backup goal of 75. And I have 19 days left to complete it. Those two days without runs may have hurt me a lot. Still might be attainable. 4.8 miles a day for 100 miles and 3.5 for 75. Strategy today is to find a 4.8 mile loop to run for the day. Take it day by day and we'll see what happens.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Made a new running goal today, but I am not sure how realistic it is. I would love to run 100 miles in the month of April. It seems really very daunting at this moment because I think I ran a total of zero miles in the month of March. When thinking about it, maybe 75 miles is the better choice. I'm not going to settle though, at least not yet. I need to set the goals a little above what I think I can do but still possible if I put my mind to it.
If I do 100 by the 30th, that's 100 miles in 24 days. It's a little over 4 miles a day. Certainly not impossible. I'll expect to some days run more than I need to and other days run less or take days off. I'm going to try my best to keep on top of this. I don't want to have to run a half marathon on April 30th, because right now, that does not sound fun. But maybe I'll do that at the end just to blow the 100 mile mark out of the water. For the record, 75 miles in April would be about a 5k a day(3.125 miles). To keep track of mileage, I will be using
My mind is really moving today. It took forever for it to happen, but I think I got a decent amount of things accomplished today. Partially organized my room, got my car washed, went grocery shopping, thought about working out. The hits just keep on coming.